vrijdag 30 januari 2009

Q&A - Geert Malfliet

- What's your name?
Geert Malfliet.

- Why are you participating in the ELMC?
Because it’s a valuable supplement to my regular legal studies. During my daily studies, I’m not occupying myself with European Law. It is very refreshing and interesting to deal with this kind of law. I think it is necessary for every modern law student to have proper knowledge of EU-law. This competition requires not only theoretical knowledge, but the students also need to put this into practice.

The ELMC is of course the ideal opportunity for students to show their values. In this competition, we compete with students from everywhere in Europe, America and Asia. Like my other team members, I really have the drive to compete with them.

- Did you find it difficult to hand in memoranda in another language?
Of course. There is a big difference between regular English and legal English. It took some time to master this specific jargon, but after a while it all went very well. The content of the memoranda was much more difficult than the language.

- Why did you not chose French as a language for the memoranda?
Like Anthony states, we all have some experience in big lawfirms and it’s very clear that English is the number one language in the legal world. The major part of the books and articles we’ve read about this year’s case were in English. In fact, we’ve never had any dispute about the preferred language.

- Would you recommend others to compete next year?
Absolutely! It will take many hours of work and study, but it’s worth that.

- Is it ok for law firms with a European law practice group to contact you?
Stupid question….

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